EFCC Conducts Anti-Corruption March, Pledges to Combat Public Fund Embezzlement.

Pictures shared on the official X handle of the agency.

The head of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ola Olukoyede, promised to fight against people who steal public money and engage in corruption in Nigeria. The goal is to create opportunities for growth and development in the country.

The Chairman made this commitment during a walk in Abuja on Saturday, December 9, to mark the 2023 International Anti-Corruption Day, with the theme ‘Uniting the World against Corruption’.

The statement and pictures were shared on the official X handle of the agency.

Olukoyede said that while he’s in charge, the EFCC won’t let those who steal resources meant for the country’s growth get away with it. He promised to get back every stolen fund to improve things like social systems. Additionally, he assured that the EFCC’s focus on fighting corruption is now aimed at boosting growth and development in all parts of the economy.

He said, “We are going to give sleepless nights to those stealing our money. We are going to remove opportunities for corruption. We are going to plug the loopholes. We are in the era of a new budget. We have sent words to all the gate-keepers of our finances in Nigeria that we are going to work with them. Every money that is released, we are going to track them. “We are refocusing the anti-corruption mandate of the EFCC. We will fight corruption to stimulate growth and development and remove all the threats to the progress of the nation.  We are tired of corruption in Nigeria.  Our youths must have job opportunities.”

He decried the hurtful effects of corruption on Nigerians, promising that the anti-corruption mandate of the EFCC is being refocused to stimulate growth and development in all the sectors of the economy. “We are refocusing the anti-corruption mandate of the EFCC. We will fight corruption to stimulate growth and development and remove all the threats to the progress of the nation. We are tired of corruption in Nigeria. Our youths must have job opportunities”.

“On the theme of the 2023 International Anti-Corruption Day: UNCAC@20: Uniting the World against Corruption, Olukoyede stated that the whole world must come together to fight corruption but expressed readiness to approach the international community for the recovery of stolen funds kept abroad. “Those who are keeping looted funds abroad are more corrupt than us. We are going to go after them. We will recover our funds and use them to develop our systems”, he said.

“The Road Walk against corruption organised by the EFCC is a demonstration of a renewed hope that, if we are able to fight corruption and other crimes in Nigeria, it will be better for our country. Nigeria has potential to be great. These potentials are on the air, on the land and beneath the ground and if we annex them without corruption, we will be able to provide for our children and children yet unborn”, he said. The Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Hassan Abubakar, represented by Group Captain Abdulahi Abu, expressed support for the EFCC in its crusade against corruption and called on every Nigerian to continue to support it to make Nigeria great. “I want to assure you that the Nigeria Air Force stands with you to fight corruption through prevention, enforcement and coordination”, he said.

Some pictures shared on the official X handle of the agency.

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