Two Indonesian Military Planes Collide,Killing Four People.

Indonesia Map.

An air force spokeswoman claimed that two military planes crashed into a mountainside during training in Indonesia, killing four persons, including two pilots.

During routine formation training on Thursday morning, two Embraer Super Tucano aircraft took off from the East Javan city of Malang. However, they lost communication after thirty minutes.

“All of the bodies have been found,” said AFP spokeswoman Agung Sasongko Jati.

“Two are already in the hangar, two are still in transportation to the base.”

He stated that the two pilots and two co-pilots were discovered once the public learned where their planes had crashed.

They were discovered on a mountainside near Mount Bromo in East Java, Indonesia’s most populous island, and the planes were thought to have collided with a steep incline, according to Jati.

Investigators are unlikely to be at the scene before Friday, when they will examine the planes’ flight recorders and other data.

“The crash investigation personnel will come and know exactly what happened. They will have the voice communication, flight data, and the engine data and video,” Jati said.

He assured reporters that the two turboprop light attack planes were in fine shape.

Despite relying significantly on air travel to link its thousands of islands, Indonesia has a terrible aviation safety record.

In the last nine years, there have been three major commercial jet crashes.

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