Only APGA can reposition Nigeria – Presidential candidate, Umeadi

The All Progressives Grand Alliance presidential candidate in the 2023 election, Peter Umeadi, has said that among the various party’s presidential candidates jostling for the seat of the Presidency, only him and his party have the capacity to reposition Nigeria in four years.

Umeadi was optimistic that he would emerge victorious through his party at the 2023 presidential poll.

He spoke to journalists at his country home, Agukwu Nri, Anaocha Local Government Area, Anambra State, on Saturday.

He expressed his readiness to win the forthcoming presidential election, revealing that he summoned a meeting of all the APGA chairmen across the 36 states in Asaba.

According to the retired justice, the meeting reviewed the strength and chances of the party.

He added that the National Chairman of APGA, Victor Oye, had equally summoned series of similar meetings at the party’s national headquarters in Abuja where all the stakeholders have agreed to work for the victory of the party’s presidential candidate.

Umeadi, who is the former Chief Judge of Anambra State, unequivocally noted that the solution to the political problems in Nigeria is by allowing a President of Nigeria to appear from South East and to come from APGA party.

He described Nigerian politics as tedious, expensive and contentious, adding that he retired as a Judge and joined politics in order to contribute his own little way to help his people.

He said, “In today’s politics of Nigeria, the presidency of Nigeria should come from the South East and that is where APGA is the key player. And I will take this opportunity to tell you that APGA is the only party that could reposition Nigeria because APGA represents everything inclusive and for you to see the way things are going in the country, the best thing is to have APGA at the helm of affairs politically in Nigeria.

“I want to be president of Nigeria to implement policies and not to impress anybody. I pledge also to remove my personal interest from the picture in its entirety in the course of my official duties if elected. Nobody is perfect, but I want to be remembered as a saint when I finish.

“Uppermost in my mind is how to reconcile with ourselves across the length and breadth of our dear country and proceed to reposition the Nigeria in four years after the election of 2023.

“My aspiration is predicted on popular votes at the polls from a majority of Nigerians.

“Let us respect the ballots. Let us canvas and sustain free and fair elections. Let our valid votes count. Validity of votes permeate capacity to vote down to announcement of the correct results. The struggle continues.”

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