More Nigerians embracing cloud services — Firm

PPC, an ICT and infrastructure development company, has disclosed that there has been an increased demand for cloud services in the country.

According to the firm, this is because more businesses are now aware of the value that digitalisation brings to them.

The Director of Operations, PPC, Dr Patrick Ede, stated that the growing adoption of digital documents in the country was riding on increased Internet penetration, and was also driving the demand for cloud adoption.

He added that organisations in Nigeria were gradually migrating from on-premises servers to hybrid cloud storage as a disaster recovery centre.

According to him, a hybrid cloud approach allows businesses to continue to use their on-premise servers while also taking advantage of shared cloud options.

He said, “More companies are moving away from legacy technologies and are embracing technologies that are indispensable competitive differentiators that chart new paths for business growth.

“They are re-inventing the way they interact with stakeholders within and outside their organisation; and hybrid cloud solutions are making it seamless for them to achieve this. As organisations are looking to expand their operations, grow and scale commercial ventures, this comes with a need to access and share data across different platforms and locations.

“With the hybrid cloud offering, workers can work efficiently, share information with ease and ensure critical information are accessed speedily. Hybrid cloud is helping organisations to deliver on their goals, accelerating the speed with which they innovate, build and deploy products and services. Our cloud service addresses the pain points of many enterprises by providing unified services across clouds with applications, data, and license portability.”

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