Ex-Man United Star Ravel Morrison Convicted of Fraud for Illegally Using Deceased Person’s Parking Badge in Manchester.

Ex-Man United Star Ravel Morrison.

Ravel Morrison, a former player from the Manchester United academy, has faced legal consequences, being fined £1000 for committing fraud. Morrison admitted his guilt during a hearing at a magistrate’s court in the city on Thursday, December 1, where he faced one count of fraud.

Earlier in the year, Morrison’s Audi A3 was impounded after he received a penalty ticket for parking on Bridgewater Street in Deansgate. Parking wardens later discovered that the blue badge Morrison used was no longer valid, as it had belonged to an individual who passed away in February 2022.

Following the penalty, Morrison’s Audi was ticketed and taken to a parking impound, but he later retrieved it on the same day.

During an interview under caution, the 30-year-old clarified that he acquired the blue badge for £50 from ‘someone in Old Trafford,’ as reported by Manchester City Council.

Blue badge passes are typically issued to individuals with disabilities or health conditions, allowing them to park closer to their destinations in designated car parks.

Apart from the imposed fine, Morrison was directed to cover costs amounting to £508 and a victim surcharge of £400.

Following the court’s decision, a spokesperson for Manchester City Council commented, ‘These ruling underscores the equal application of the law to everyone, without exceptions.’

“I am grateful for the diligent work of our investigating officers as well as legal counsel who were able to successfully prosecute this case.

“Our officers patrol the streets daily to ensure that blue badges are used legitimately and we will not hesitate to take action if we discover people trying to circumvent the law.’

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