Do Backlogs Affect Your Study Abroad Plan?

If you are a study abroad aspirant who is hesitant about your study abroad plans because of backlogs,…
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Do Backlogs Affect Your Study Abroad Plan?

If you are a study abroad aspirant who is hesitant about your study abroad plans because of backlogs, do not be. Basically, the question of whether backlogs affect your study abroad plan totally depends on your study abroad destination. Many universities around the world accept applications with backlogs, but the criteria for counting the backlogs and the number of backlogs accepted differ depending on the university you wish to study at. And in case you have backlogs in your academic records, you may be asked to submit your backlog certificate to the particular university where you wish to pursue your education as a part of the application process. To know more about how backlogs affect your study abroad plan, keep reading this blog!

What are Backlogs?

A backlog is a condition that requires you to reappear in an exam because you were not able to qualify for it on the first attempt. You must clear all your backlogs to successfully enrol in any international program. However, absenteeism is not the same as backlog. If you have failed to appear in an exam to due a medical condition or any other emergency, check with your institution whether they have marked you ‘Absent’ or scored you ‘Zero’ in the score column. ‘Zero’ in the score column would be considered a backlog. 

How Are They Counted? 

Backlogs are counted differently by different institutions. There are two ways to consider backlogs:

  1. The total number of failed subjects – This means that if you failed in a subject that will be counted as a backlog regardless of the number of attempts you made to clear the backlog. Countries like the UK and the USA consider this method. 
  2. The total number of attempts to pass the failed subjects – This means that the number of attempts you made to pass the failed subject will be counted as backlogs. It is considered to judge your dedication to your education/subject. This method is accepted in countries like Australia.

What is a Backlog Certificate?

A backlog certificate is a certificate issued by your academic institution mentioning the details of your backlogs. If there have been no backlogs in your academic semesters you will not receive one, though you can have a certificate issued stating your no backlog records to highlight your academic skills. 

Countries that Accept Backlogs

You can still make it to your dream university with backlog records depending upon the criteria of admission. Different countries have different criteria for accepting backlogs. The following are the criteria for Australia, Canada, the UK, and the USA.


All private universities in Australia will accept a maximum of seven to eight backlogs. Whereas The Group of Eight leading universities in Australia will not accept more than 2-3 backlogs. For admission to public universities as well you can not have more than eight backlogs. 


Many Canadian universities will accept a maximum of five backlogs with a minimum aggregate of 70% in your previous study qualification. For students who wish to pursue a postgraduate degree or program can have a maximum of seven to eight backlogs with a minimum aggregate of 65% in their bachelor’s education. 


Universities in the UK accept 15 backlogs but they require a good IELTS score to check your English language proficiency. It is essential to score an overall band of 6 on your IELTS exam for admission to UK universities.


Most universities in the USA prefer students with no backlog records. However, it can be compromised with a good GRE score between 315-325 and they might allow students with a maximum of 5 backlogs. 

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Tips to Manage Backlogs

The following are the steps to manage your backlog record:

  • Prepare well for your exams – The best way to manage your backlogs is to avoid them in the first place by preparing well for your exams and clearing them on the first attempt. 
  • Make notes while studying so that you’ll know the important topics when revising
  • Develop a plan of action – Make a do to list of your tasks so that you are not burdened with the pressure of exams
  • Prioritize your Subject- Give priority to your weekly subjects and focus more on them 
  • Connect with your teacher or professor to ask for extra credits or projects to balance your marks


What is a backlog?

A backlog is a condition that requires you to reappear in an exam because you were not able to qualify for it on the first attempt. You must clear all your backlogs to successfully enrol in any international program.

How many backlogs are accepted in a Canadian university?

Many Canadian universities will accept a maximum of five backlogs with a minimum aggregate of 70% in your previous study qualification. For students who wish to pursue a postgraduate degree or program can have a maximum of seven to eight backlogs with a minimum aggregate of 65% in their bachelor’s education.

How many backlogs are accepted in Australia?

All private universities in Australia will accept a maximum of seven to eight backlogs. Whereas The Group of Eight leading universities in Australia will not accept more than 2-3 backlogs. For admission to public universities as well you can not have more than eight backlogs.

Well, we hope that we have provided you with the relevant information on backlog and do they affect your study abroad plan or not. So, if you are planning to study abroad, feel free to connect with Leverage Edu for total assistance or call us at 1800-572-000, and book your free counselling session today!

The post Do Backlogs Affect Your Study Abroad Plan? appeared first on Leverage Edu.

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