‘Device financing crucial to laptop ownership’

Device financing is crucial to laptop ownership, ASUS Head, PC Business, System Business Group, English Speaking Africa, Simplice Zaongo, has said.

According to him, the cost is a constraining factor in laptop ownership and there is a need for firms to explore device financing to drive laptop ownership on the continent. He added that his firm had partnered with some eCommerce sites in Nigeria to increase laptop ownership.

While discussing the firm’s African intentions at its Intel Performance Day, Zaongo further said Nigeria was at the core of its operation because of its market size, tech hubs, and tech-savvy youth population.

He stated that the firm was committed to developing local digital skilled manpower in the country also.

A statement quoted the firm’s East EMEA General Manager, Jeff Lo, as saying, “The innovations that ASUS engineers have implemented in our latest laptops, working together with our partners from Intel, has enabled us to deliver these incredible products for 2022.

“Their work on cooling technologies and chassis craftsmanship is a very important but challenging task. Sometimes the improvements are invisible to customers, but they help us deliver amazing performance while keeping our laptops compact and light, which is exactly what customers are expecting from their next laptop.”

Rising inflation and foreign exchange scarcity have made the prices of laptops skyrocket. And recently, the Chief Marketing Officer of MTN Nigeria, Adia Sowho, revealed that smartphones have become the computer for many Nigerians.

She said, “Smartphones have become the computer for many Nigerians today. Unfortunately, the high costs of these devices have made them out of reach for many. Factors such as forex fluctuation, chipset shortages, and inflation are continuously driving up the cost of phones.”

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